Réflexions en ingénierie web : ma collection d'articles

Toutes mes réflexions détaillées sur le développement full-stack en général et front-end en particulier, l’amélioration des performances web ou l’utilisation de frameworks tels que Next.js.

9 web development tips and tricks out of the blue 🇬🇧

In this article, I gathered 9 tips and tricks for web developers that I used recently. Even though the content is more oriented toward beginners, I hope it can still be a good reminder for more advanced developers.

Improving web font performance: a case study 🇬🇧

On the 8th and 9th of November 2018, I had the chance to join the first edition of the performance.now() conference, focusing on today’s most important web performance insights. Among the sixteen great talks, I took a great deal away from Zach Leatherman’s presentation on Web Font Performance and I would encourage you to watch the full talk.